湖畔のパン工房 レイクベイク


営業時間  10:00~17:00
カフェ 16:00
定休日 水曜日、第2・第4木曜日



Contractions in English List


As a copy editor, one of the common questions I get asked is whether contractions are acceptable in English writing. Contractions are words or phrases that are abbreviated by dropping one or more letters, which are often used in informal speech, but are they suitable for formal writing?

The answer is that it depends on the context. Contractions can be used in informal writing such as blogs, emails, and social media posts, where a friendly and conversational tone is desired. However, in formal writing such as academic papers, business reports, and professional emails, contractions are generally avoided because they can sound too casual and may compromise the author`s credibility.

That said, it is still important to understand which contractions are common in English writing. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used contractions in English:

1. I`m (I am)

2. You`re (you are)

3. He`s (he is)

4. She`s (she is)

5. It`s (it is)

6. We`re (we are)

7. They`re (they are)

8. Didn`t (did not)

9. Couldn`t (could not)

10. Wasn`t (was not)

11. Won`t (will not)

12. Can`t (cannot)

13. Shouldn`t (should not)

14. Don`t (do not)

15. Aren`t (are not)

Although these contractions are commonly used, it is important to remember to use them appropriately. If you are unsure whether to use a contraction or not, consider the context and tone of your writing. Formal writing usually requires a more professional tone, so it may be better to omit contractions altogether.

In conclusion, contractions in English can be a great way to add a casual tone to informal writing, but they should be avoided in formal writing contexts. Knowing which contractions are commonly used in English can be helpful, but always remember to use them appropriately and consider the tone of your writing.