湖畔のパン工房 レイクベイク


営業時間  10:00~17:00
カフェ 16:00
定休日 水曜日、第2・第4木曜日



Pronoun-Verb Agreement


Pronoun-verb agreement is a fundamental rule of grammar that governs the relationship between pronouns and their corresponding verbs. This rule ensures that the verb agrees with the number and person of the pronoun. In other words, if the pronoun is singular, the verb must also be singular, and vice versa.

For example, in the sentence “She runs every morning,” the subject pronoun “she” is singular, so the verb “runs” is also singular. Similarly, in the sentence “They run every morning,” the subject pronoun “they” is plural, so the verb “run” is also plural.

Pronoun-verb agreement is essential because it helps to make the sentence clear and understandable. Errors in this area can cause confusion and miscommunication, leading to a breakdown in the message being conveyed.

To ensure proper pronoun-verb agreement in your writing, it is crucial to identify the subject and the corresponding verb. Always check that the verb aligns with the number and person of the pronoun.

Here are some common errors in pronoun-verb agreement:

1. Use of the wrong verb form with collective nouns: Collective nouns refer to a group of individuals, such as team, staff, or family. When using collective nouns, it is important to ensure that the verb agrees with the number of the group. For instance, the sentence “The team is playing well” is correct because the collective noun “team” is singular. However, the sentence “The team are playing well” is incorrect since “team” is a singular noun, and the verb “are” is plural.

2. Use of the wrong verb form with compound subjects: A compound subject is a subject composed of two or more nouns joined by “and.” When using a compound subject, it is important to ensure that the verb agrees with the plural subject. For instance, the sentence “The dog and the cat are sleeping” is correct because the compound subject “the dog and the cat” is plural. However, the sentence “The dog and the cat is sleeping” is incorrect since “dog and cat” is a plural subject, and the verb “is” is singular.

3. Use of singular verbs with indefinite pronouns: Indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “someone” and “nobody” are singular. Therefore, they must always be followed by a singular verb. For instance, the sentence “Everyone is invited to the party” is correct because the indefinite pronoun “everyone” is singular. However, the sentence “Everyone are invited to the party” is incorrect because “are” is a plural verb.

In conclusion, proper pronoun-verb agreement is crucial for effective communication. Always ensure that the verb agrees with the number and person of the pronoun. By following this fundamental rule of grammar, your writing will be clear, concise, and easily understandable, improving your SEO efforts.