湖畔のパン工房 レイクベイク


営業時間  10:00~17:00
カフェ 16:00
定休日 水曜日、第2・第4木曜日



Agreement of the Verb with the Subject Worksheets


Agreement of the Verb with the Subject Worksheets: A Guide for Effective Learning

The agreement of the verb with the subject is one of the essential grammar rules that every writer should master. It ensures that the verb matches the subject in terms of person, number, and tense. A subject-verb agreement error can cause confusion, miscommunication, and even alter the meaning of the sentence. To avoid such mistakes, writers should practice using agreement of the verb with the subject worksheets. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using such worksheets and how to maximize their effectiveness.

Benefits of Agreement of the Verb with the Subject Worksheets

Worksheets are beneficial in many ways, and the agreement of the verb with the subject worksheets is no exception. Here are some of the benefits of using these worksheets:

1. Practice makes perfect

The more you practice, the more you get better at something. Agreement of the verb with the subject worksheets provides ample exercises to help learners understand the various rules that govern subject-verb agreement. Through repetitive practice, the learners can internalize these rules and apply them correctly in their writing.

2. Instant feedback

Worksheets come with an answer key, providing instant feedback to the learners. This feedback helps the learners identify their mistakes and correct them. In addition, it helps reinforce the correct usage of the subject-verb agreement rules.

3. Flexibility

Agreement of the verb with the subject worksheets is flexible, meaning it can be used in various settings. They can be used in a classroom setting, where the teacher can use them to assess the student`s understanding of the rules. Similarly, they can be used by individuals for self-study and practice.

How to make the most of Agreement of the Verb with the Subject Worksheets

1. Start with the basics

Before attempting complex exercises, start with the basics. Ensure that you have a good understanding of the subject-verb agreement rules. Familiarize yourself with the different tenses, persons, and numbers. This foundation will make it easier to tackle more challenging exercises.

2. Pay attention to the instructions

Read the instructions carefully before attempting the exercises. Ensure that you understand what is expected of you before starting the exercise. This will help you avoid making careless errors.

3. Use the answer key

The answer key is an essential tool in maximizing the effectiveness of the agreement of the verb with the subject worksheets. Use it to check your answers and identify your mistakes. Afterward, correct your mistakes and retry the exercise for better understanding.

4. Track your progress

Keep track of your progress by noting how quickly you complete the exercise, the number of mistakes, and your areas of weakness. This will help you focus on your weaknesses and improve your overall understanding of the rules.


In conclusion, the agreement of the verb with the subject is an essential grammar rule that every writer should learn and master. Agreement of the verb with the subject worksheets is a crucial tool in achieving this mastery. Through repetitive practice, instant feedback, and flexibility, learners can internalize the rules and apply them correctly in their writing. By starting with the basics, paying attention to instructions, using the answer key, and tracking your progress, you can maximize the effectiveness of these worksheets and become a better writer.